Essential Tips for Using Your Kasheesh Single-Use Card


When you create a single-use card with us, several things happen behind the scenes:

  1. Card Creation: Our system generates a unique virtual card for your specific purchase.

  2. Pre-loading Process: The single-use card functions similarly to a pre-loaded card or gift card. This means that when you create the card, funds are immediately withdrawn from your linked funding sources (credit or debit cards) to load the virtual card.

  3. Splitting the Charge: Our unique system allows us to split the charges from this single-use card across your underlying cards based on your specifications. This split occurs at the time the card is created and loaded.

  4. Fund Allocation: The funds are allocated to the virtual card, ensuring that the exact amount needed for your purchase is available when you use it.

  5. Ready for Use: Once loaded, your single-use card is ready for your purchase, containing the exact amount you specified.

This process helps you take control of your finances with ease by allowing you to split payments across multiple funding sources without the merchant needing to support split payments directly.

Important Notes:

  • The funds are withdrawn from your linked cards immediately when you create the single-use card, not when you make the purchase.

  • Like a gift card, once loaded, the funds on the single-use card are dedicated to that specific use and can't be easily returned to your original funding sources if unused.

  • Always ensure you input the correct amount when creating a single-use card, as the funds will be withdrawn and allocated immediately.

We've got you covered with this seamless process that gives you more flexibility in managing your purchases!