Kasheesh Card Declined? Common Reasons and Troubleshooting Guide


Oops! Let's look a little deeper. 🕵️

Multi-use Cards:

  • Sufficient Funds: Double-check that your linked cards have sufficient funds for the purchase you're trying to make.

  • Payment Restrictions: You can't use our card to pay other financial institutions or payment apps (e.g., CashApp, Venmo).

  • Card Status: Ensure your multi-use card is active. Check the 'Kasheesh Cards' page on your dashboard and make sure you are using the information from your active multi-use card.

Single-use Cards:

  • Exact Match: Make sure the purchase total matches your card's total down to the penny. For example, if your purchase total is $150.45, create your Kasheesh card for $150.45 before the fee.

  • Card Details: Double-check your card details and billing information. If needed, contact us to update your information.

  • Payment Restrictions: You can't use our card to pay other financial institutions or payment apps (e.g., CashApp, Venmo).

  • Card Usage: If you've already used the card, create a new one.

Additional Decline Reasons:

  • Blocked Merchants or MCCs: Our issuing bank may block certain merchants or Merchant Category Codes (MCCs) due to high-risk or prohibited activities.

  • Restricted Transactions: Some types of transactions are restricted. For a full list, please check Stripe's Restricted Businesses and Transactions page.

  • Potential Fraud: If our system or the issuing bank detects potential fraud, the transaction may be declined as a security measure.

What to Do If Your Card Is Declined:

  1. Review the reasons above to see if any apply to your situation.

  2. Check if the merchant or transaction type is on our restricted list.

  3. If you believe the decline is due to a fraud alert, please contact our support team for assistance.

  4. For persistent issues, you can try creating a new single-use card or using a different merchant.

If you're still having trouble, submit a request, and we'll gladly help!