Creating Cards & Transactions
What is a transaction fee?
When you use Kasheesh to create a card, we charge a transaction fee of 2%. This fee is only charged when you successfully create a card. If your Kashe...
My transaction was declined; what do I do now?
Some common hiccups are: Our issuing bank blocks the merchant or transaction. Check out a list of restricted merchants and transactions here . Insuff...
What is the maximum purchase amount?
The maximum transaction limit varies by the type of transaction, and you're own personal spending limit. You can find more information on creating ca...
Can I use Kasheesh in my mobile wallet?
Yes! You can now create a multi-use card and seamlessly add it to your mobile wallet. Simply follow the instructions in the links provided to add it t...
How do I update the Google Chrome extension?
Need help updating your Google Chrome extension or just want to make sure you're running the most recent version?  You've come to the right place!  He...
Where can I pay with Kasheesh?
You can use Kasheesh anywhere Mastercard is accepted. Pro Tip:  Add it to your mobile wallet to split on the go! We do not currently operate internat...
Do I have a personal spending limit?
We have daily spending limits for different types of transactions. Retail transaction limits can be up to $15,000.00!
Smart Split
What is Smart Split? Smart Split helps determine an optimal split across your cards powered by Kasheesh's proprietary algorithms. We take things into ...